Speaking Truth To Power: Exploring the Intersectional Experiences of Black Women in Computing
Speaking Truth To Power: Exploring the Intersectional Experiences of Black Women in Computing Jakita Thomas Auburn University This project will examine the narratives of Black women in different computing contexts, such as the undergraduate and graduate school, workforce, graduate school, government, and academia (professors) and will contribute to a more complex understanding of the experiences…
Read MoreStrategies for Persistence of Native American Women in Computing and Technology Higher Education: Two Case Studies
Strategies for Persistence of Native American Women in Computing and Technology Higher Education: Two Case Studies Mia Ong TERC, Inc. This project will apply frameworks of intersectionality, critical race theory, and community cultural wealth to examine two case studies from the Computing Beyond the Double Bind dataset (CBDB-CNS-11451341) to explore the persistence of Native American…
Read MoreIntersectionality as a Methodological Tool for Understanding Undergraduate Women of Color’s Experiences as Computing and Engineering Majors
Intersectionality as a Methodological Tool for Understanding Undergraduate Women of Color’s Experiences as Computing and Engineering Majors Luis Leyva Vanderbilt University This project conceptualizes intersectionality as a methodological tool for better understanding the experiences of women of color (WOC) pursuing majors in computing and engineering (C&E). A three-tiered analytical framework will be used to capture…
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